Published Sep 12, 2008
22 Posts
since i failed they sent me an application to retest. i have to pay the 75 then i have to get another mail to register and pay the 200. but do i have to send the retake application cant i do it online?? alsoit says that i have to wait 45 days to retest but. starting when? 45 days since i took my exam?, or 45 days starting when i pay the 75. or when i register and pay the 200 with pearson vue??? then that would mean i get another att with another exp date?
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Does it indicate online that you can send it online? It is 45 days from when you sat the exam and even if your register with pearsonvue they will not send ATT until the BON gives the OK
it tells me to mail in it with a regular envelope , they didnt give me an extra envelope to mail in the reaplication. it tells me to attach the 75 with the application and should receive the candidate bulletin in 3-4 then that means that if i took my exam that i failed on aug 4th then its 45 days from that date??