Specialties CRNA
Published Apr 17, 2007
1,531 Posts
I think I want to be a CRNA, but I am concerned about going back to school again and being away from my two children for two and a half more years.
I am going to graduate nursing school in Dec. and I want to know if I should go back as soon as possible or if I should wait until they are older. If I wait until they areout of the house I'll be 40 when I start. That part doesn't really bother me though.
I am 27 now, so I could work some and then go to school when I'm around 31-32 and they will be about 8 and 10 years old.
I'm sure school will keep me away from them quite a bit, but will work keep me away even more?
Any input is appreciated.
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
Oh God, wait until you have some experience as a nurse. You can work part time and still have some time to watch your kids grow up, they only do that once and nursing is here forever.
You are young, consider what career path you want to follow for a life career. When do you plan to retire from nursing? Gauge your career learning and growth along with your home life. Don't stop going to school or having career goals and keeping a job, but do consider that your children only grow up once and nursing is forever.
That in mind, I would suggest working part time for a few years to aquire life skills then proceed at whatever pace suits you and your families needs. Set an example for your children and they will grow to become awesome adults and do remember that you need to be there to influence them.
You are young, consider what career path you want to follow for a life career. When do you plan to retire from nursing? Gauge your career learning and growth along with your home life. Don't stop going to school or having career goals and keeping a job, but do consider that your children only grow up once and nursing is forever. That in mind, I would suggest working part time for a few years to aquire life skills then proceed at whatever pace suits you and your families needs. Set an example for your children and they will grow to become awesome adults and do remember that you need to be there to influence them.
I know all that. That is why I mentioned I may wait until they are out of the house and in college themselves before I go back for that.
I am getting my ACNP though because it is mostly online.