Tele/Vascular=Critical Care?

Specialties MICU


Specializes in ER (PCT 2years).

Hi all! I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this, but I'm looking for a new job as a PCT/PCA (I was an ER Tech for 2 years during my first degree) as I complete pre-reqs for ADN/BSN, then maybe ACNP or CRNA (but focusing on critical care nursing right now). A job I'm looking at says it's location is "tele/vascular". What does this mean? I know tele is monitoring and vascular may be vascular surgery, but is this a med/surg, step-down, or full ICU? What kind of patients end up in tele/vascular?

Thanks for the help!

Specializes in SICU, Peds CVICU.

"tele" means the patients need telemetry monitoring- i.e. continuous ECG.

"vascular" means that all or most (and this is just my best guess) of the patients have had vascular surgery. They might require more frequent monitoring, frequent pulse checks, or have a Heparin gtt. I don't think this is an ICU, or step-down unit. It's a telemetry floor. Good luck! If you do apply you might be able to ask the recruiter/HR for more information.

Specializes in ER (PCT 2years).

Thanks for the help! I actually applied for another job in CTICU, so hopefully I get that, as I'm really interested in critical care.

Quick second question: would working as a tech in an ICU help at all in getting an ICU job as a new grad? I've heard of people going to ICU as a new grad, but most of the jobs i've seen in the NYC area ask for at least 1 year experience. Of course tech experience won't replace that, but I was wondering if it holds any water when applying for jobs.

Specializes in MICU/SICU/CVICU.

From what I've seen so far, any experience in a given area before you're a nurse will serve you well in the long run. Of course it's different when you're on the other side of things, but being a PCT will at least expose you to the environment and the pace. I say go for it.

Specializes in SICU, Peds CVICU.

CTICU can be really intense, but exciting. You can have patients that you're sure will be dead by morning, make it and do well.

Tech experience can be really helpful, you'll see more than you would in school and it's a great opportunity to network and get a feel for nursing before graduating.

When you do graduate you should look for a new grad program of some sort. Many ICU orientations are 20 weeks, and even with tech exp. you want the time to figure out what you're doing as The Nurse.

Good luck with your interviews!

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