Published Feb 24, 2011
28 Posts
Hello all! I am new to the site, found it after doing a google search for 'TEAS exam scores'. I took my TEAS V yesterday and am hoping to gain entrance to the Practical Nursing program at the technical college I attend. It's fairly competitive and they only accept 30 students per program start date (one program starts in spring, one in fall, I'm hoping for spring). Anyway here is my TEAS info, tell me what you think. I don't know what the cut off is for my school as far as I've heard they're cutoff is done on a program by program basis (in other words they get an average of everyone who took the TEAS that semester and base the cutoff score off the average). I also don't know anyone else who took the TEAS recently or is trying to get in the program at the same time as me so I have nothing to compare my score to.
Individual Score: 82% (when the proctor was going over my scores with me he said I did 'really well' and they don't usually see but a few 80's and up every quarter)
Percentile Rank National - 93
Percentile Rank Program - 98
I have a 4.0 GPA right now with the core classes I have taken (finishing up 2 right now, should still be able to keep that 4.0...might get a B in one class so that would bring me down to a 3.8). I'm pretty sure I will get in but I don't want to get too excited until I know for sure. The deadline for the spring program is March 1 and then the admissions office said they would be notifying students whether they made it or not about 2 weeks after that. So basically I have 2 1/2 weeks to wait and ponder and get doubtful. I am just so nervous, it'd be good to hear some reassurance lol. Or just be honest and tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!
521 Posts
You should be ok, heck those would be competitive scores for any RN program so you should be a shoe-in for LPN.
And try to keep that 4.0, its such a cool number and so few people have it.
I am trying to...I have just been getting B's on several tests I've taken in the one class, but As on all the other work I've done. I'd really like to keep the 4.0, it's not easy to attain!