TEAS test


I bought the ATI study guide. How close is the practice exams to the actual TEAS exam? Should I just memorize the study manual?

Hi! I took the TEAS test this past April and I also bought the book. I would suggest going through the book at least twice. When I took the test some questions were on it that were not discussed in the book and were kind of random. But make sure you study and don't put it off till the last minute and you will do great! I passed and am starting nursing school in fall!! Good luck!!

Specializes in IMCU.

I just took a TEAS test. We were told Tuesday that we were taking it on Wednesday. My gosh that test is long. Every time I though I was finished another 50 questions came up.

It covered stuff I did back in the American equivalent of middle school and that was a VERY long time ago.

I wish I had know about it before I would have brushed up a bit. Still I did pretty well.

I wish you lots of luck!

what did you score? I've been through the book and need some brushing up on the math. Everything else I'm putting on flash cards. The school I'm applying to has an average TEAS score of 89, so I need to do well

Specializes in IMCU.

I got 92% and obviously no chance to study.

The algebra was very simple, a bit of ratios and their equivalents, some percents, mean, median, mode & variance, basic probability, fractions to decimals, adding fractions and some basic metric equivalents.

I have never seen the ATI TEAS study book so I don't know. I doubt that memorizing the text is useful (it rarely is).

Is there somewhere where you can take the test to see where you stand?

Sounds like the study guide is right on track with the math you had on the TEAS test. I'm taking it on the 20th... we'll see... thanks for your info

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