Teas test i failed made a 62.4%


Hey guys, well i failed my Teas test today and i cried all day and slept the rest. the science and the math killed me i felt so stupid. I am so upset because i studied utilized every thing i possibly could to no avail i only have one more time to take it and i dont know what to do i have the secret to the teas the flash cards the ati book took the online test 4 times its a shame that the online test is the same everytime what are you paying your money for. I feel so sick i have a 3.0 gpa and i do study now i dont know what to do they had a question about pushing a cart up the hill then the food web with the grasshopper and the mice mess like that the algerbra was basic but to me it was hard i did well on the reading man i am so blowned now i am trying to look for study groups to help and there seems to be nothing available the people in the tutoring lab know my name and ss being that i am in there all the time they are trying to help and i appreciate it anyway if you know of something else that i can do let me know i am going to do it i just need more help. i will shake this depression by tomorrow thanks for all your encouragement and support:o

Specializes in ICU.

I am really sorry that your first test didn't go well. Now that you have actually taken it and know what to expect, you should be better prepared the next time around. How much time do you have before you have to retake? Maybe use the next week or so and devote it taking care of yourself. Rest, relax, exercise, eat healthy. Do whatever you can to get yourself feeling physically better, so you will be in a better frame of mind to try again. I know that in the past when I have studied intensely to prepare for a test that it really does affect me physically as well as mentally. I'm sure you'll do better next time ;)

:bowingpurThank you for your sympathy, however it just baffles me that i studied so intensly and was unable to do better. The practice test were nothing like the actual and the science was something from another world. I am an organized person and i give my all. I am so despondent now but i will get back up an try again i will do better. All the resources i have used just did not prepare me, and i am utterly confused i will not look at any other material until Monday when i hit the tutoring lab again. i WILL DO IT next time if you hear of any other resources please let me know and thank you once again Rn2be thats me for sure:heartbeat

I researched the study guides in depth and found that ATI's own prep material failed to provide adequate coverage of the sciences... biology in particular.

Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams is much more thorough. (And you can find it offered used online for $2 to 10.)

I researched the study guides in depth and found that ATI's own prep material failed to provide adequate coverage of the sciences... biology in particular.

Kaplan's Nursing School Entrance Exams is much more thorough. (And you can find it offered used online for $2 to 10.)

I completely agree. That Kaplan book contained so much more of the right type of material, and I'm sure if I had used only the ATI guide I would not have done as well.The science in particular, in my opinon, was tough because it covered so much that was not covered in my nursing pre-reqs, and it's been many years since I studied geology, botany, physics, and the like. Kaplan's book was a huge help.

Good luck with your second attempt. :up:

bluemalibu, is this one http://www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0743273362/ref=sib_dp_pt#reader-link

i passed the test, but i am not happy with my scores. i will retake the test again in this summer.

rn2bethatsme, i cheer u up. you will pass the test in the next time. if you have problem with math section, you have to practice everyday. eventually, you will pass the test.

for me, i have problem with english language ( english is my second language) . i think i good at math and science, but i did very bad at science section. i am very disappointed with my science scores. that's why i want to retake the test again. i hope i will get higher scores next time.

Thank you guys so much i have ordered the Kaplan book and will definitely study that intensly i will pass next time with a good score. I am so thankful to have friends like you that truly understand the frustration that this test caused me. I was so down today i went and had a facial and bought some candles great sale a Kirkland's. and i bought some old school converse sneakers so that i can run my way through the next text non stop:lol2: I cant wait to get the book. Thank you once again and we will talk soon peace.

Rn2bethatsme for sure

I feel for you... I too took the test on Sat Feb 28th and failed with a 68%. With my school you have to pass each subtest with a 60% and an overall score of 60%. I studied my butt off on the math and science and scored like a 90% on the online practice test, but when I got to the actual test, the math and science was a completley different story. I get to retake it on March 28th and come h*** or high water I WILL pass. Is the Kaplan Book truly a better study guide?

I am sorry 2 hear I know exactly what u are going through. Just don't give up continue with your goals and don't let this be your down fall. I failed my Teas test twice and I passed the third time around I just knew I could do it. I pray and hope u past just don't give up. good luck...:nurse:

Thank you sooo much 4 the support..:heartbeat The math just really threw me for a loop, it was nothing compared to the online ATI test. I know I'll pass it next time.. I just have to.:banghead:

I will truly pray and hope that u pass the math portion of the test. I have to start Pharm in a couple of weeks and am praying that i pass the math portion of the test. Just keep me posted and let me know that u pass when u do. Good LUCK!!!

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