TEAS test: Does the program average and rank refer only to your school?


I'm confused to what the program refers to. Thanks in advance.

The program mean refers to the average of the adjusted individual scores of everyone who took the test for your particular program type. This does not mean your program at your school, it means all RN programs if you registered as an RN test-taker (all LPN test takers if you registered as an LPN student, etc...). Also, I don't believe it literally means "all" because they would only take a large sample during a given amount of time. They wouldn't compare yours to tests taken 5 years ago.

That is what I thought too, but I guess what confuses me is why is everyone's different on here? Or from what I keep seeing in different places.

I will find out either way if I get in or not next week. I am just worrying myself sick.:eek:

Mean - National:

The national mean is the average of the

adjusted individual scores of all test takers

(within a specified sample from the ATI data

pool) for this assessment. The national mean

includes all program types.

Mean - Program:

The program mean is the average of the

adjusted individual scores of all test takers of

your program type (within a specified sample

from the ATI data pool) for this assessment

within a specified time.

Thanks for the reply but I have that info but I guess I still don't get why the averages are different for everyone...National would be the same for everyone and program would be the same for everyone....hmmmm.

Thanks anyway

The difference is that national mean is including all program types, not just the program you're pursuing, according to where you took the test.

If you took the test at a community college that offers the ADN, the program mean would be all those who recently took the TEAS for ADN programs.

The national would be all those who recently took the TEAS for any program type, ADN, BSN, etc.

It's also specific to the assessment ID.

Thanks! But it doesn't really matter now because I got my acceptance letter yesterday! I'm in! :yeah:

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