Published Dec 27, 2016
2 Posts
Hey I just took my teas 6 test and scored a 78. I'm not too sure whether to be confident with this score or not. My overall gpa by the time I apply to nursing school should be around a 3.7. I used the ati teas secrets review book by momentrix. Anybody else also take the teas 6, and what did you score? Probabaly selling my study book too.
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Moved to the TEAS exam Help forum
237 Posts
I can't say exactly whether or not your 78 is a good score. This is like asking if a 3.3 (or any GPA) is good enough to get into a nursing program.
To answer your question, I would contact your hopeful nursing program and ask them for some admission statistics. Some schools don't provide this, but many will and it's not necessarily posted on the website. Schools also put a "weight" on each metric, and this doesn't seem to be standard in my own experience, and from reading these boards. Some schools place a very high weight on the TEAS, others place the highest weight on pre req GPA, others divvy up almost equally. It's just hard for us to tell, but I would suggest you start there.
I am applying to three ABSN programs. One doesn't require the TEAS at ALL, and most heavily weighs pre req GPA. One requires TEAS and has you break down your individual sections (I'm guessing they want to see high scores in Science), and one requires TEAS but just asks the overall score. Your mileage will vary!
Thanks, I hope you get in wherever you're applying! I am going to check with my nursing mentor to see what sort of feedback she has for me whether to take it again or not. Have you taken the teas yet?
Thank you for your kind words. Best to you too!
Yes, I took the TEAS on the 23rd of this month. I got a 90 (and was pretty shocked!), but my preferred program doesn't even take the TEAS, so I hope all the studying wasn't for nothing.
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
I know for my bridge program you need a 70%+ to continue in the admission process. But when I inquired further as to what the scores were for students that were accepted, that score wouldn't get you in.
nb1104_, ADN
122 Posts
Hi, I'm just wondering. My test is in 15 days and I bought the two practice tests online. When do you think is the appropriate time to take the practice test? Thank you
37changes, ASN, RN
383 Posts
You can take each practice test 2 times, and I did them in the four days leading up to my exam. A, B, A, B. Studying in-between in the areas I needed to focus on. This is what worked for me ~ but I decided to purchase them sort of at the "last minute", so there really was no other choice.
If I had decided to purchase them ahead of time, I guess I'd take the first one when I was feeling pretty confident. Whenever that may be. Then you can see whether you should really be confident, or if you need to hit it harder. And you have time to do so.
Thank you @37changes! ill do the same!!