TEAS -percentile program??


Specializes in ER.

Does the percentile for program mean the percentile for those test takers applying for a BSN program or does it mean the percentile of test takers applying to your PARTICULAR school??? Thanks!

Specializes in Hospice & Palliative Care, Oncology, M/S.

I went and retrieved my TEAS score and paperwork to look. This is what it says:

"The program percentile rank refers to the proportion of test takers from your specific type of nursing program (within a specified sample from the ATI data pool) whose scores are the same as or lower than your adjusted individual score."

I guess this means that if you clicked "BSN program" then this is what you're referred to. If you stated you were going into an ADN program, then that is what it stands for... your score based on the other ADN applicants.

I think.


Specializes in ER.
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