TCL schedule advice



I am applying for the nursing program at technical college of the low country and am trying to decide between the spring or fall admission. If I do the spring (and am accepted) I will be taking micro and A&P 2 alongside my first semester of the program. It seems daunting, but I was just wondering if anyone has done it and lived to talk about it haha! Specifically at this school. I don't want to set myself up for failure, but I also don't want 3-6 months of down time between finishing those classes separately and waiting for the fall program to start. Thanks in advance!

Specializes in LTC.

Hmmm I believe I would wait and take a&p 2 and micro separately and start nursing later. I've read many many posts about people who struggle with just A&P by itself. The same can be said for micro. Adding some of the toughest pre reqs with the first semester of nursing school? Not something I would do. I'm sure there is someone out there who has done it but I wouldn't. To me it's better to wait then drive yourself into a mental breakdown trying to juggle such a hectic schedule. Whatever you decide...good luck.

I would take A&P and Micro separately and before beginning nursing. It seems like forever to wait, but it's better, in my opinion, to take things slower and get awesome grades and then be able to focus strictly on nursing courses versus struggling to fit everything in.

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