Nursing Students School Programs


Has anyone applied to TCAT memphis 2018 program, I submitted the application last week now waiting for acceptance. Tennessee Health Institute on Winchester also has their initial LPN program for 2018, wondering if anyone else is applying?

Did y'all get a call today?!!!! I DID but I missed it ughhhh because AT&T towers were down in Mississippi where I go to school at. They called my mom but didn't leave a message now I'm anxious again wondering what the call was and if I got in or what í ½í¸ž

Did you get a call from TCAT or THI. I received a call from TCAT but they were only calling to verify some info, I'm still waiting for an email or letter from either school hopefully we'll know something soon.

I'm surprised that they didn't leave a voicemail. Maybe they were calling you for an interview, they did say that they would reach out to applicants to schedule the interview.

The towers were down where I was and everyone who had AT&T down there phones were completely off I'm so mad about that but when I called back she said admissions called so hopefully that means I'm accepted

That'll be great. Good luck and I hope the three of us are accepted.

I know right me too and either one of the schools

Hi so I was told by another student that word of mouth said TCAT mailed letters out Friday. She told me don't woute her on it but she's also awaiting acceptance as well. I pray we are all accepted

Me too I've been checking the mail like crazy lately. My scores were okay for TCAT 86 & 84 but I scored higher on THI 94 & 84 so I think I have a better chance at THI but I hope I get accepted to both I also have all of my pre requisite completed. I called THI on Friday to see if they had started sorting for the interview process, they said not yet still working on it. I need to know soon because I may have to pay out of pocket and THI is over double the cost of TCAT so I need time to manage my coin.

I got a call today from them. Thi. I was so excited

When did thi call you?

So did I, good luck ladies.

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