Tax questions? In a tax-free state. Thinking of traveling.


It's actually a confusing situation-or maybe I am making it that way! My current residence is in NH, which is obviously one of the states with no state income tax-but now I work in VA.

I have been living in VA for the past 14 months, working on a neuro/trauma progressive care unit at a large level 1 trauma hospital (as a staff nurse). This past month my lease ended at my current apartment and I downsized with a roommate to a smaller, affordable apartment so it would be easier for my roommate to afford when I leave. I am not actually on the lease, just chipping in a bit for rent so I can save up in between the gap of leaving my job and starting my first assignment. I just recently made my primary residence back to NH at my parents house which is where I lived my whole life, until the move here in VA a little over a year ago. I also recently purchased a car and have it registered in NH, and have other financial ties in NH. That is where I plan on going after I put my notice in, and wait to start my travel job.

So when I start my traveling, how will that work with the taxes? I want to reap as many benefits as I can if I do decide to start travel nursing!

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