Taking prereqs and applying spring 2010 for fall 2010


Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

Hey all..... just decided to start a thread for all of us you are finishing up prereqs and plan on applying in Spring 2010 for admission into the Fall 2010 semester. Just a place to vent frustrations and post up good news and pass along info. Just follow the format.



APII (spring): taking both over and hope for A's ( I got B & C the last time)

Biochem/Organic Chem

Plan on applying Jan. 2010 to LIU-Brooklyn and the College of New Rochelle ....but I am hoping to get into LIU and become a 2012 graduate:D


Count me in! I'm taking a A&P I, Stats, English, Speech this semester and A & P 2, Micro, Growth & Development Psych, and English 2 in Spring. I am applying in Spring 2010 for Fall 2010. Good Luck!!

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