Published Jan 30, 2019
4 Posts
Hello all!
I've decided to make a career change and want to pursue nursing. The following courses are prerequisites to being able to apply to The Loewenberg College of Nursing at the University of Memphis as well as the University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Anatomy & Physiology IAnatomy & Physiology IIMicrobiologyIntro to PsychologyNutrition 2202
Because I work full time, I intend to take A&P I and Microbiology over this summer and then take all the other classes in the fall. This would allow me to attempt to apply for nursing school in the spring of 2020 (a long shot) but if not, definitely by Fall 2020 - which from my understanding is less competitive anyways.
My concern is that I would only be able to take A&P I in person; Microbiology would have to be an online only course for me due to my work schedule. Do you think this will hurt my chances at all? I ask because I know it is a class+lab and I don't know how that would work with it being an online only course ?
I understand this is probably better suited to me asking the school but I feel like I have been jumping through hoops trying to get in touch with people and it is making me anxious. I just want reassurance from someone who may have been in my shoes at one point.
While I'm here, another question:
LCON at Memphis says that NUTR 2202 (Nutrition) is a prerequisite but Southwest only offers DIET 1310... Does anyone know if these are the same?
Thank you for any insight you guys can provide me. I am just so excited and anxious to begin this journey that I have been ALL up Southwest's butthole about this and they have not been especially helpful thus far.
286 Posts
I dont know about your particular school but man does it feel like a relief to have someone else doing everything online. I have taken EVERY class online so far, and even did A&P 1 twice. For our school they mail the specimens to you. The same for chemistry and the same for A&P II (theres a baby pig and a kidney in my house ??) lol
Its really hard but its do able. I worry most days if I will survive nursing school when I go because I will obviously be on campus by then and I feel like I am at a disadvantage taking everything online because again, this is at my school, there is a VAST difference from the formatting of our regular coursework and the formatting if the tests and study guides they provide.
I probably just babbled a lot and didnt even answer any questions you asked but I have one class left after this semester and that's been my experience so far.