Published Feb 5, 2006
31 Posts
AACN has developed 3 new certification exams Has anyone taken the Cardiac Surgery Certification test? Can you share how difficult this test is. What tools did you use to study for the test.
moonshadeau, ADN, BSN, MSN, RN, APN, NP, CNS
521 Posts
I took the test, it wasn't too bad. The AACN didn't have the manual yet, so I used the list that they provided as a reference. Good luck.
Thanks for the info..... I have just purchased the AACN CSC review CD... Haven't looked at it yet .. but will soon........... How big a test is it? #questions? Thanks again for the input
17 Posts
Took the test last year, fortunately passed!!! Don't remember specific questions but it was almost all medical, i.e. what drips, vent settings, tx, etc. There seemed to be quite a few judgement calls that would differ between practitioners, and if you just stick with what the docs and NPs at your facility always do, you might get some questions wrong. There are several books available for interns/residents/critical care personnel:) on that were helpful studying, didnt have the CD from AACN then. Know differences between treating on pump and off pump hearts, that seemed to be very big with the testers. You will know if you passed when you walk out of the room, so that stress is eliminated.
Good luck!
Thanks so much..........will keep ya posted
5 Posts
Any one hae any used AACN CSC review material they want to sell? I would like to take the test but the fee for the test itself is steep and to add much more for the review material (that I will only be using for a few weeks) is steep -- appreciate any leads.
- Thanks
I took it, CMC, PCCN, and CCRN...and passed each (thank god). Of them all, CMC was most difficult for me as I have little cardiac medicine experience but work in a unit that gets them fairly often. The CSC was cardiac surgery start to finish. The questions that I saw looked like this: A 56 year old man rolls out from the OR after a 2 vessel CABG and AVR. He has a Swan Ganz catheter which gives you the following values. He is on these drips. What do you titrate off first? Most of the questions looked like that. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of drip/swan experience so it went well. I bought the CDs as well...not so great. I bought cradiac surgery secrets which was a good review. Know Swan Values and Drips that you may not always use. I got a few weirdo questions...if you are to know any one drug know Amiodarone backwards and forwards. I recall three questions related to it alone!
6 Posts
which do recommend taking first? CSC or CMC?