Topics About 'Marijuana'.

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Found 11 results

  1. Knocking on the door, I paused a second before opening it. Inside were two people, the young man who was the patient, and his mother. I introduced myself and began asking the usual questions for...
  2. The Emergency Nurses Association's Annual Conference was held in Austin, Texas recently. With almost 200 presentations, the 3800 attendees had the opportunity to learn much and network among...
  3. I am currently taking my prerequisites for Nursing. I know two nurses, one is a friend of my mothers and she is a Nurse Practitioner and my boyfriend's mother is a charge nurse in the ICU. Both of...
  4. OrganizedChaos

    CBD & Nursing don't mix

    I was recently diagnosed with Lupus and am anxiously awaiting my Rheumatology appointment. While I have been waiting I have been in a lot of pain when I have my flares, so I have put in a request to...
  5. Random tests?

    I have been a floor nurse at various nursing homes for over 10 years now. I've never had to take a drug screen except for pre-employment. My current job is probably the best one I've had. The pay is...
  6. It would be nice if we could have an intelligent and professional discussion about this topic without a whole lot of judgement going on. I tried to find an appropriate topic before stating a new one...
  7. So I got my BSN in May. I applied for a nurse residency job on a Sunday, got a call for a phone screening on Monday, asked for an in-person interview the next day, Tuesday, and was given a job offer...
  8. I am a newly employed RN in Florida who gave up medical marijuana (I had my medical card) prior to starting nursing school. I had accepted the fact that I would not be able to benefit from marijuana...
  9. I'm a recent nursing grad and had an interview at a great hospital about a month ago. I was offered the position and went in on January 22nd for a physical and drug testing at a facility called...
  10. Help from Florida nurses!

    Long story short, my work ended up drug testing me and I had weed in my system. I was fired for it then I self reported to IPN. I had my evaluation and the Doctor is recommending inpatient treatment....
  11. With burnout, stress, and fatigue wreaking havoc on all Healthcare providers, especially nurses, when will we be able to consume products that are legal for the general public but could destroy a...