Topics About 'Making A Difference'.

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Found 4 results

  1. They Call Me The Swamp Nurse

    My experience in pediatrics and school nursing, camp nursing and The prison helped me to obtain this position. I am an LPN since 1996 and have been accepted for the RN program in the fall. I look forward to learning many new things in school, but I r...
  2. The Making of a Burn Nurse

    I started out as a shiny new Grad Nurse in the Burn ICU. What an overwhelming, yet thrilling rite of passage that time was. Learning so many new skills...from basic nursing to ICU, to burn patient specific nursing kept me humble, to say the least. I ...
  3. Elvish

    A Father's Tears

    I received his mother, AA, to a room on our floor shortly after midnight one night. She had presented to ER at 15+ weeks gestation with ruptured membranes and intermittent vaginal bleeding; the OB staff suspected chorioamnionitis as the culprit. Rath...
  4. Midas' Touch daughter had a hard time enunciating that word word that touches a heart, tries a tear, gives a lump in the throat. As we walked from the school bus towards home, she asked, "Mom, how's work?" "Oh, it's not that good, I...