Topics About 'Health And Well Being'.

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  1. As nurses, we tend to naturally be caretakers, not just of our patients, but sometimes also of our family, friends, and maybe even of our church members or neighbors as well. While it's common for people to seek out nurses for help, sometimes we hav...
  2. Women's' sense of self is often one of caretaker and nurturer.Nurturing and caretaking have long been associated with women in general, and nurses and social workers in particular. Empathy is a mainstay of the helping professions, particularly the "w...
  3. Dr Georgianna Donadio

    Personal and Professional Benefits of Self Care

    As trusted health professionals it is our responsibility, and our calling as nurses, to provide compassionate, competent care, as well as to educate our patients and clients on an important topic in today’s health and wellness landscape, which is the...