Topics About 'Haiti'.

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  1. In January and February of this year I worked in Haiti with United States NDMS DMAT and ImSurt teams providing medical and surgical care to the victims of the January 12th earthquake. What I experienced during those weeks only partially prepared me f...
  2. Haiti nursing experience

    Last January I traveled to Haiti with 2 other nursing faculty to give the nurses an inservice- or what we call in the US "Continuing nursing education" (CEU's.) The nurses in Haiti do not have CEU's. They get through their education and have no other...
  3. On January 12, 2010 at 4:53pm EST a 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the nation of Haiti destroying over 300,000 homes and buildings and taking the lives of over 200,000 people. As a nurse who has responded to many disasters within the United States, ...