Topics About 'End Stage'.

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Found 4 results

  1. End stage COPD clinical patient

    Last night we had an 88 y/o patient in clincal with end stage COPD...and she still smoked. We actually debated whether it was worth going through the motions with patient teaching regarding how unhealthy smoking was given her age and status. What do ...
  2. SuesquatchRN

    Resident with End-Stage COPD

    Horribly anxious. Increasingly dependent with ADLs and losing continence, which is new. Obsessed with her bowel movements - it's hard for her to defecate 2o exhaustion. Very frail, arthritis, already on axiolytics and we started her on Vicodin yester...
  3. Hi Everyone, I used to be thankfulnurse2b here on allnurses and haven't posted in a while. I finally finished nursing school in December and passed my boards this week!! So, I am working now as an RN on a Med/Surg floor. My question is, what kind of ...
  4. Ethics in End-Stage Cancer

    The advancements in the treatment of cancer have greatly increased the odds of survival; even for the worst types of cancer. Miraculous and inspirational recoveries, such as those by chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, who was recently hospitalized w...