Topics About 'C Diff'.

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  1. Like many other nurses and health care providers, I was taught that probiotics are vital in preventing Clostridioides difficile (C. diff). Years ago a co-worker of mine attended an event in which she learned a nurse manager had implemented the use of...
  2. C Diff Contamination Fears

    Hi. I am a new nurse (less than a year experience) and have recently started working in a long term care facility. I also happen to have contamination OCD (for 10+ years). Anyway, one of the residents in the facility has C Diff. I was told it was chr...
  3. C-diff NANDA

    My pt had c-diff. I'm thinking more along the lines for my nanda to be dehydration r/t infectious disease or bowel incontinence r/t infectious disease However my teaching for the stg is the standard and contact precautions. My long term goal would be...
  4. How contagious is C. diff?

    I don't work in healthcare. I created an account here because I hope to one day. As for now though, I rarely have anything to do with healthcare facilities. I have a problem that I've been stressing about all day, and hope that someone might be ab...
  5. C-Diff and infants?

    Has anyone heard that c-diff is common in an infants stool? My specialty is geriatrics and when a pt has c-diff we treat it. My sister's baby is breastfed and 2 months old. She has had blood tinged mucus in her stool for the last month or so. Her sam...
  6. I currently work in an Independent Living Facility & we have an incontinent resident who has been newly diagnosed with C diff. She is currently back home , with family & a visiting RN administering to her . I'd feel more comfortable with full...
  7. PPE with C. Diff patient

    Hey nurses! I just had a quick question. I'm currently a nursing student and I'm doing clinicals at a LTC/rehabilitation center. So the nurse wanted two of us to give a patient a bath. When we walked into the bathroom in his room there were two red b...
  8. Hi fellow nurses, So I just started working as an RN and it's also my first time posting here. As the title states, I think I may have contracted C. diff. Warning: long drawn out story ahead of why I think I may have C. diff. If you don't want to rea...
  9. Brenda F. Johnson

    C Diff; Toxin Negative Or Toxin Positive

    C diff, now called Clostridioides or Clostridioides difficile, is often found in nursing homes or in post-surgical patients after multiple doses of antibiotics1. Antibiotics disrupt the normal gut flora, and in a weakened immune system, it is allowed...
  10. It’s an exciting time for microbiome research. There are implications for the use of FMT with colitis, IBS, obesity, depression, autism, cancer, and diabetes. This is the first in a series about the gut biome, also known as the microbiome and its imp...