Published Sep 27, 2021
1 Post
#mederror #countoff #discrimination #ohio
I could use some advice, please. Im an LPN, took 10 years off, reactivated a year ago. THis is long and disorganized. Please be kind, I'm on an emo roller coaster RN. I feel like I was discriminated against for pregnancy symptoms, and wrongfully suspended.
Anyhow, I started as a medication management nurse in a psych clinic setting on Aug 2, 2021. The first month, I yawned a lot and only when asked, did I communicate that I WAS incredibly sleepy for some reason. It didn't effect my performance, I just yawned a lot. I also felt quite unfocused. I had an evaluation at day 10. Stated the above but also that my manager believed I'll be a very valued team member after I become familiar with all my skills learned. She stated she loved the initiative taken by me by watching videos', taking practice exams, making flashcards, charts, etc..
After that, My first IM injection I gave to far to the right. Supervised by C. She did not have me chart this. Since pt had no c/o, she ordered me to write "administered injection IM R deltoid without issue". I felt like an idiot, but I learned from it.
to my surprise, at age 43, and Around week 4-5, I found out I was pregnant. 18 weeks. I told supervisor and HR. 2 weeks later I found out it was a molar pregnancy. 2 mondays ago, I had a D&C, went right back to work. I was grieving but 2/4 nurses were off with Covid. I even delayed my d&c 3 days because I felt my job was important, and I was essential at that time. In 7 weeks, I have missed a record 5 days, taken as sick time, due to pregnancy, appts, surgery, etc.
In my opinion, I kicked a$$ covering their absence. I gave injections, charted and did management on all 3 of our clients. No problems. I felt really proud and confident in my skills. (remember, its been 10 years since I've practiced). There was no help, no agency nurses called in , no guidance. Just me and the part time LPN who is the community nurse. The other staff consists of therapists and physicians. And I did feel a lot better due to the lack of pregnancy fatigue
My manager, RN, "C" returned still symptomatic last Wednesday. She thanked me multiple times. I was hesitant to be around her though and couldn't understand why she was back, seeing patients, without informing them of her status. Actually, they never informed anyone of her status.
Tuesday, she asked me to disperse another nurses patients (X) meds into med weekly organizers. There are 4 scheduled scripts in entire place. One is kept in a cabinet, that's unlocked all day. 3 are kept in cabinet in a safe. I do not have keys or know safe combination. 3 bottles. 2 Xanax, 1 valium. Patient X gets 4 1 mg Xanax per day. After dispensing them, I counted them coming up 2 short. There were 31. Should have been 33 according to last weeks count. C had code and keys. All week. I never had them. If meds were to be pulled from there, the other nurse did it. or the cabinet was left unlocked for me.
(ALso, the other bottle of Xanax is d/c. No med log. Notes indicate pt Z was to bring it in Jan 2020. Bottle says 60. in pencil. Pharm records indicate there should be 68. But, there's 59 with no explanation. Both RN and myself initialed pt X med log, after spending 30 minutes trying to locate 2 lost pills. C said she's never had this happen and we'd likely have to "fill out a form". FYI, she's the sweetest person ever, but not the most educated nurse I've worked with. She refused to allow me access to previous med sheets, for either patient.
So, next morning, I had to write a statement to my supervisor," C" by 2pm. I did. at 4pm , I was suspended without pay until Thursday. My manager, her boss and the CEO "are greatly concerned for patient safety and worry I'm not qualified. ESPECIALLY given my 10 day evaluation when I gave shot in wrong spot, probably due to me being so tired all of the time" They needed the day to decide if my employment would continue. All I said was "Wow, I was pregnant" and OK. They acknowledged my fatigue was pregnancy induced. C's boss treated me fairly, asked for explanations in areas she was unclear. The other 2 had me guilty and sentenced already. Even though I was pregnant and never had keys to lock box .
My emotions went from a-z and upside down all week. Thursday morning came and my son and I had covid sx, so I emailed I would not be able to attend meeting. Then I ghosted them. now, I'm unemployed. Will likely be homeless if I don't find employment starting this week.
What do I do now? Is there anything? Feeling super defeated and unqualified to be a nurse, like I should have stayed "retired". Also feeling 100% I was discriminated due to my pregnancy. I admit, I had some "preg brain", and after I was a bit preoccupied with grief. But I was OK to handle my patient load, as well as 2 other nurses.
Dani_Mila, BSN, RN
386 Posts
I'm sorry you had to go through this. From your story, I do not think they fired you because you're pregnant. But, it could be because of the missing narc pills and missed work days. However, I'm not so sure. Honestly, there area many jobs out there. Since you specialize in LTC have you tried applying for agency work? At my facility there are many agency nurses working and making a lot of money. Of not, apply to a LTC facility. Most will hire you in a minute. I know my place will. They are desperate.