Published May 11, 2008
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Greetings fellow nurses,
We are in the process of developing a survey for RNs to measure their confidence in preventing falls in hospitals. We developed the survey items from a series of focus group interviews that we conducted in Partners Healthcare System (PHS), Boston, MA- hospitals (professionals and paraprofessional focus groups). To validate the surveys, we need hospital-based RNs who directly care for patients to complete the survey twice (take survey now and I will send you a link to take the survey again in about a week). This will help us to evaluate reliability of the survey items and to better understand which items should stay on the final survey and which should be removed.
We have found that the survey takes from 5-15 minutes to complete. Once we have validated the survey, we believe it will be useful in identifying educational needs of RNs with regard to fall prevention in hospitals.
Below is the link to the first web-based survey. I will forward the follow-up survey (same survey/different introduction) next week.
RN1: Confidence in Preventing Falls Survey:
Please contact me if you have questions.This research has been approved by the Partners HealthCare Human Subjects Committee. The informed consent information is included as part of the web-based survey.
Greetings Nursing Colleageues,
Thanks to all who participated in the first part of the RN Fall Survey. As mentioned, a secondary survery is being used to validate the survey items. Please see the message below and thanks again for your participation in this important research.
We are in the process of developing a survey for RNs to measure their confidence in preventing falls in hospitals. We developed the survey items from a series of focus group interviews that we conducted in PHS hospitals (professionals and paraprofessional focus groups). To validate the surveys, we need hospital-based RNs who directly care for patients to complete the surve y twice (take survey now and I will send you a link to take the survey again in about a week). This will help us to evaluate reliability of the survey items and to better understand which items should stay on the final survey and which should be removed.
Below is the link to the SECOND web-based survey. Same survey that you took last week/different introduction).
RN2: Confidence in Preventing Falls Survey:
Please contact me if you have questions. This research has been approved by the Partners HealthCare Human Subjects Committee. The informed consent information is included as part of the web-based survey.