Sun burn joke

Nurses Humor



A guy falls asleep on the beach for several hours and gets a

horrible sunburn. He goes to the hospital and is promptly admitted after

being diagnosed with second-degree burns. He was already starting to

blister and in agony. The doctor prescribed continuous intravenous feeding with

saline and electrolytes, a sedative, and a Viagra pill every four hours. The nurse, rather astounded, said, "What good will Viagra do him?"

The doctor replied, "It'll keep the sheets off his legs."

That is sooooooooo funny :rotfl: :chuckle Thanks for the laugh :roll

When I worked at the local Vetarans' Hospital (back when Viagra first came out), I noticed that a great deal of the in-patients were receiving Viagra. On a unit one day...checking on a study paitent (was in research at the time)...I asked a nurse why I was seeing all of these prescriptions now. She looked me straight in the eye and with a most serious expression replied ..." It's to keep the patients from falling out of bed."

When I worked at the local Vetarans' Hospital (back when Viagra first came out), I noticed that a great deal of the in-patients were receiving Viagra. On a unit one day...checking on a study paitent (was in research at the time)...I asked a nurse why I was seeing all of these prescriptions now. She looked me straight in the eye and with a most serious expression replied ..." It's to keep the patients from falling out of bed."

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