Suggestions for Pharmacology breakdown/made easy books for my 1st semester?


It's my 1st sem as a nursing student and I need suggestions of a book that can break down pharmacology easier than my lecture book please. Does anyone have a book that has helped them break down or put into "dummy learning terms" for pharmacology or any book that has helped you understand it any easier? Thank you so much for any help you might have!

I believe the book I really liked was called pharmacology made incredibly easy... It was a great book because it broke stuff up in simple terms and by category. DO NOT try to remember every single drug, learn the categories and the common drugs in those categories. Most of the drugs in a group have similar side effects, mechanism of action etc... Just take note of any drug in that group that has a really weird side effect or interacts with something none of the other drugs in that group do (anything way different) because you can be sure to be asked about it! Good luck, I struggled with pharmacology until I got that book, then it just all clicked.

Thank you so much for the suggestion and I am on it!

I appreciate both suggestions and I am searching for the book right now as well as looking at the cards!!!

I looked just to make sure and it was pharmacology made incredibly easy. After I bought that book I had looked at some of their other "incredibly easy" line for nurses and they're all great! Good luck in your classes. Just know you will never know all meds a doctor will prescribe, I still have to look drugs up at times... is a site that helped me a great deal. It is all dimensional analysis, which I learned in chemistry; however, my professors had this long way of setting the problems up which took so much time during the test. Anyway the website helped with a quick way of getting the calculations done.

some of their other "incredibly easy" line for nurses and they're all great!
OP, I would encourage you to look at the various books out there before popping money down on the "Incredibly Easy" books. I own several of them and I find them lacking compared to some other titles on the same topics... too many cutesy cartoon drawings and silly sayings.

As with the quoted poster, many people love them. I think they're OK at best. If possible, go to a medical bookstore or library and take a look through various titles and find what works for you.

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