Suggestions on Informative websites for prenursing


Not entered into the prenursing program yet, but last year I wasn't prepared for school, I'm not making that mistake again.

Any websites you found useful? Whether that was during school, or beforehand to help you study, or absorb complicated information?

Specializes in Rehab, Ortho-Spine, Med-Surg, & Psych.

Also... believe it or not... the "Incredibly Easy" books nursing series are very good in explaining complex topics. You can find a lot of them cheaply through Amazon or other retailers. If your budget is tight, just buy a used book that is less than 5 years old.

Wow thanks Rex. :)

I was lucky enough to come across a yardsale full of nursing books, too bad they were seriously outdated, made in the 1960s. Plus the level they were at made me pause every now and then and wish I had a medical dictionary to look at for reference.

That series you're describing sounds pretty good, I'll try to check it out.

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