Stupid question

Specialties CRNA


Ok guys...I know this is a really bad one, but I've got 2 interviews coming up for CRNA school (Geotown & VCU), and I am wondering whether I should shave my goatee---more like a Fred Durst hairy bottom lip thing. I have the gut feeling to say yes which wouldn't be a px, but then do you really think it makes a difference---alot of male RN's have them....2 razor or not 2 razor?

Hey g8trlimey, just curious as to where you did your ICU work here in the valley (i live in chandler)...I will graduate in May but for March and April I'm slated to do ICU training at Desert Samaritan. Any advice on good places to work in the East Valley for ICU when I'm done? I've also considered moving back to the Northwest, where the pay starts at 22.00 and 25.00 for nights. I've noticed pay here in AZ isn't so great.

My two cents about the goat...I'd shave it. Why give yourself anything to be doubtful about upon entering the interview? It seems a small price to pay to inflate your confidence. Err on the side of conservativism.

Best of Luck on your interviews!!

Espresso Girl


I am working at Good Sam as a traveler, but from what everyone here has told me that Desert is a great place, and I guess there is a new place called Lutheran that is part of Banner. If you want the most intense experiences, I'd either come to Good Sam or County Hospital. I can really speak of the pay issues because I am a traveler, but I know the new grad pay here is around 20-22 for nites.

Thx for the goat advice...we shall see this week. I have Georgetown on Wed., and VCU 12 days later.

PM or email me if you want any specific info..I'll help if I can. [email protected]


I work at Good Sam here in the Valley. I highly recommend it for many reasons. The management is great, the people are helpful, the new grad program is thorough, and you get good experience. Plus we have a good working relationship with our Docs.

You can make about 22$ on nights as a new grad. That's a lot better than 25$ in the NW because the cost of living is much higher. I know because I just moved from there and grew up there. Just an FYI.

Let me know if I can offer anything else.

Hey Fellow AZ's,

I have done a lot of registry, traveling, and staff work here in the valley. Right now I'm at Lutheran Heart staff and Chandler pool. I agree that you cannot go wrong at good sam. I rarely hear anything bad about it. County is a beautiful disaster. Both are terrific for experience.


Thanks fellow AZ'z....I am bound by NAU contract to go to Desert Sam. Darn. Good Sam sounds like a great place. Oh well, it's only for 2 months intern then I can get a real job! Appreciate the feedback!

I'm a I'm a little out of my league here. But I can say that men with trimmed facial hair look very professional and dignified, especially if they're wearing a nice-fitting suit. As long as no smiley faces are shaved into it! :)

I would say that if it bothered you enough to wonder whether to shave it or not, then shave it and grow it right back. Or you could clean it up as much as possible, some goatees look really grimey on people while others are clean looking. Anyways, if you get into school, you can wear it then.

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