Studying for TEAS VI with TEAS V book


I registered for the TEAS VI and started studying with a TEAS V book that was given to me by my friend in the nursing program. I take the TEAS Nov. 16th and I am almost finished with the TEAS V book. I am now concerned that I will not be adequately prepared because I used the wrong book. I am wondering if I truly will not be prepared for the TEAS because I used the previous book.

Because I take the exam in two weeks, I do not want to spend $209 on the full preparation kit through ATI.

Also, the head of the nursing department at my school told me that because of my GPA and other aspects, as long as I score a 75, I will automatically be accepted into the program.

I am in the same boat. I can't afford the new book or any of the study materials. My sister gave me her old book, TEAS V. I've had mixed advice and some people say it's the same basic information (like... the systems of the body don't change ya'll....) but other's have told me the test information itself is updated and the way they test is different so it would be better to have the newer material. However, being a mom of 4 with a single income... I don't see that happening. At any rate, my test is Monday so, we're going to have to just go on a wing and a prayer here.

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