Published Nov 19, 2011
40 Posts
So through 5 exams of 7...i have earned 74, 74, 78,86, 92 , in the program so far with a 92 on my last exam, which has saved my semester last thurs..... my grades are very inconsistent and erratic mostly, but ive come to have conflict with my study method. I am reading...and reading all chapters outlined in my syllabus.... but problem is, im doing it, and im not retaining any of it and have come to realize....noone is gonna maintain all this information.....That is impossible, and with 2 weeks between exams and all other committments, thats impossible..... I still read anyway but more as a "if I have time thing" and use the books as a supplementary reference to the notes I take in class and the powerpoint lectures which follow the book in my program closely......But mainly all I do to get through is take good notes in class...basically get that lap top out and start typing....and read any handouts given, and get the powerpoint lecture notes and follow the textbook, match up and expanding on what was covered ..... to me thats all you can do, everything else is basically a crap shoot with questions,....
Anyone else in the same boat with that study method^^^?? What do you guys do at your schools?
Ive also noticed that the questions im struggling with are the application questions, that you basically have to figure out, the NCLEX styles... that arent in the notes or the book obviously, ....and I reading and reading and reading, and studying but w/ no success for these kinds of questions....any advice on how to improve this ?? what about an NCLEX review book???
150 Posts
Oh boy I know the feeling I am dealing with that right now. I am in Med-Surg II (critical care) and its kicking my butt. I use Saunders Nclex-Review Book and I also have the Q&A by Lippincott. The Saunders helps with the application like Nursing Interventions and gives a clear and concise information about the topic. Does your school use Ati? Also I would say read the beginning of the Saunders Book it has great testing strategies to aid you in making the correct answer choice. My problem is anxiety I will know all the information but when it comes down to the test I can't remember or think. I am trying to find relaxation techniques to assist me. What is passing in your program? As for me at my school its 80. Hope what I said is helpful.
for us its a 75, ...I used Mosby's nclex review although i hear pearson is supposed to be the best....
* i meant^^^ just bought it , but i hear pearson is the best
173 Posts
I have 5 NCLEX review books and I have yet to get below a 90 on my test. I go through them and find as many practice questions as I can and then read the rationales. I also use the CD's that come with my books for practice quizzes and outlines. I find this study method to help me more than just reading over and over. Also, depending on the material I do lots of flash cards, which I never used before NS.