Study tips for the NET & ACT


I will be applying for nursing school this next spring for the fall 2006 program. Since I won't have enough credits at the time I apply, the nursing director advised me to take the ACT residual for health careers. She said I would need to make a 26 or above to give me the most points (admission is based on a points system). I also will have to take the NET before I apply; however, I only have to pass it - the points system does not apply to the NET.

Does anyone have any study tips for these two? Is there a difference between the standard ACT test and the ACT residual? I'll need to take by the end of the year, so it's time for me to start crunching!:idea:

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For the NET, I used the NET Study Guide available from (I bought mine on Ebay though.) :)

I never took the ACT, but did take the SAT. The SAT has study books and software everywhere, as I'm sure the ACT does as well. I doubt the ACT and the ACT residual for health careers are the same, but if you google it, you may find your answer. (Also google it with ACT residual health careers study guide listed as your keywords.)

Good luck!

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