study process/SRNA process

Nursing Students SRNA


Can any current srna out there describe their progress thus far. what to expect. to study...

Specializes in Anesthesia.
Can any current srna out there describe their progress thus far. what to expect. to study...

Hi, rose234. I am transitioning at this moment from a junior to a senior anesthesia student (scary...). I'm not sure what exactly you are wanting to know when you say "progress," but I'll try to answer. I've now finished four semesters of my seven semester program. The first semester of my program was all classroom. I started my observational clinical rotation in March, & then at the end of May started my first real hands-on clinical rotation. Currently I have class one day per week & attend clinicals four days per week. Next semester that will change to clinicals five days per week with one evening per week for classroom time. Most recently I have been on an out of town rotation at a hospital that is about 90 minutes away from my home, so I have been away from my family a lot. For the next four weeks I'll be at a site closer to home, but then I go back out of town for another 8 weeks. That has been kind of difficult. I don't know what to tell you to expect because I'm sure it's different for every one and every program. For me, I can say without reservation or agenda that anesthesia school thus far has been fantastically stressful, entertainingly draining, and as intellectually, psychologically, & physically challenging as I can stand (some days, more than I can stand). It is the best thing I have ever done, & yet some days I think I must have been crazy to do this. I have had awesome days, and I have had awful days. I have had days where I've been proud of myself, and days where I've hated myself. Above all I have been humbled on many, many levels.

As far as how to study, if you've been accepted to anesthesia school you have obviously been able to study effectively in the past. Do whatever it is that works best for you, & modify that as needed. Good luck to you...


I can say without reservation or agenda that anesthesia school thus far has been fantastically stressful, entertainingly draining, and as intellectually, psychologically, & physically challenging as I can stand (some days, more than I can stand). It is the best thing I have ever done, & yet some days I think I must have been crazy to do this. I have had awesome days, and I have had awful days. I have had days where I've been proud of myself, and days where I've hated myself. Above all I have been humbled on many, many levels.

Ditto Lou

I don't think i could say it any different. It's exactly how i feel. I have just finished my first semester and it is definitely awesome, stressful, scary, exciting, all rolled into one. Just remember you have to study like a dog no matter where you go. Find out what works for successful students. You don't have a lot of time to play catch up if you mess up on a few exams. You gotta get it from the beginning.

Good luck and Lou, i am glad to know someone out there feels like me.



Thank you for your feedback. I have been accepted for Jan 2006, which is around the corner since we are in 2006. I am the kind of person if I dont understand the concept behind something its becomes difficult for me. I have been trying to prepare myself for this by review some intro to nurse anesthesia and clinical anesthesia books. The chemistry is my fear. I took the basic chemistry class in undergrad and did not really like it much. Maybe b/c it did not apply to anything that was familiar to me. I have been review some of the chemistry behind some of the drugs such as thiopental ( subsituting the oxgyen for sulfer in the 2nd postion of the barbituric acid sturture). I wanted to actually get an idea of how indepth into chemistry will the program go. I am type A and do not like to fail so I will work for success.

Again thanks for the feedback b/c I am anxious, nervous, curious about how this process will go. I know once I am in there it will be days were I will ask myself why? But this is what I want to do b/c I am intrigued by the science and art behind anesthesia, might seem cliche' but I love challenges. And of course the financial reward helps. I will keep everyone posted on my progress. It might not be on a regular basis but i will.

thank you


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