Published Aug 25, 2016
70 Posts
This is my first semester of nursing school and I'm a few weeks away from my first test. I try to stay on top of reading material, but I find the lecture PowerPoints to be much more helpful than the textbook. Will my grades suffer because of this? Also what else could I do to help prepare myself for other test?
pmabraham, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,567 Posts
Over time you will find the need to adapt in what tools you use for what class. Some professors use PowerPoints, some don't. Even those who do, may still use textbook information on exams. I've found the best way to prepare is follow the syllabus, do the learning objectives, and do as many NCLEX questions related to the concepts being covered as frequently as possible.
199 Posts
I agree with the above poster. You will find professors have to assign reading if they require you to buy a book, but they may never use info from the book to test over. Its our job as the student to decipher what we need readings, notes, etc to master learning objectives. Questions on test will NOT be basic questions they will be application where you will apply basic patho, A&P, nursing process to a situation.