Student to be RN, diagnosed with PKD


hi all,

im very sad about my diagnosis...pkd is a degenerative kidney disorder, and iwas diagnosed with it a week ago. and, all by coincidence because of anultrasound done to check my gallbladder because i've been having digestionissues. well, i was in shock when my doctor told me, no gallbladder issues mayi add!!! its heredity, passed down from family. and, i was the first to bediagnosed, from my family. (we come form a poor family background, with limitedhealth insurance and sometimes no insurance) no one has been diagnosed so farfrom my family, that we know of, besides me.

i just wanted to know if i should even continue this career path? i have noexperience concerning job opportunities in the health field with this type ofdisability. im on my second semester as an rn student and im wondering if ishould even continue? will i be able to find a job after i graduate when idisclose my condition to my prospective employer? should i even say i have pkd?what about insurance with my employer, will i even get insurance if i happen toget hired?

im so scared, lost, worried, about to give up... i really don't want to!!! icome from humble means and i cant afford to not finish! specially with thiseconomy...

i still have full function of my kidneys, however, they are enlarged on a low sodium diet, taking lisinopril everyday, b/c i haveprehypertension, which is common with this disease... im also scared of thepain associated with pkd, i read online that its very painful! i was planningon furthering my education after becoming a nurse but i don't know if that willbe possible now :(

any information will be greatly appreciated!

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

While we can't give medical advice I can assure people can live with PKD. Follow your nephrologists advice.

Here is an article from the Mayo clinic

I have a family member with PKD. He is not a nurse, but I can assure you he has worked hard to manage his condition (lifestyle/diet changes, medication, etc) and works full time with no problem. he is also involved in sports and has a family.

I do know that the first few years were difficult in terms of finding treatment protocols, etc, but I doubt very much it would derain your career goals.

Thank you farmerjane! I had no clue what pkd was until I was diagnosed, certainly will continue my education to become a nurse. Tell your cousin about me, and I hope he has many more wonderful years with his family, as I hope for myself.

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