Published Nov 12, 2008
2 Posts
Im a student seeking some advice from anyone who may be of help. I am in my fourth year of college and have taken my first two years of nusring A&P, english and all that fun stuff) and did not get accepted into the program. I have also tried Rad-tech. Im currently in EMT-IV and would like to get back into nursing school. My Question is would it be better for me to go on to Paramedic school for one year and bridge into Nursing or should I work as an EMT and obtain some experience in the field and try to get right into nursing and if so how could I go about in doing so because I believe they do not have the bridge classes any more in the state of Tennessee. I would just love some advice on what would be the best thing to do.
148 Posts
Am wondering how many schools you applied to. Where I am from it is a common practice to apply to more than one. Do you know why you were not accetped?
Long story short. I was lacking one more class so I came home and got it done and by that time I had personal reasons I couldnt go back and I feel out of interest in nursing and wanted to be more hands on like I am with EMT. But now I want to go back to nursing because I have been working in the ER and I love it.
52 Posts
Have you checked the scope of practice for your state comparing a Paramedic and an RN? I am in KY and we hire Paramedics to work in the ER and on our medical flight crews, they are the trauma gurus!