Stuck RN😞


Hello I am a Registered Nurse in Boston and I do not have much floor nursing experience. I left my job at a methadone clinic from the stress and am now stuck because I can't afford a Nurse refresher course and have been out of school since 2011. My husband just got laid off not to long ago and feel inadequate to work in a hospital. I worked at a Nursing home for 8 months per diem but that is as far as floor nursing goes. I need help with suggestions where to go. Thanks.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.

Are you ADN, BSN or Diploma RN?

Why do you need a refresher? Do you just think you need one, or someone told you so?

How long you are out of any nursing work?

Who "feels inadequate to work in hospital" - you or your husband?

Where do you WANT to work, eventually? ]

Do you have some REAL limitations in what you can do, like health-based or something you just won't do for whatever it takes?

There are LTCs, ALFs, subacute rehab (including drug rehab), group homes, private duty nursing. If you have ADN, you may try outpatient dialysis. You may be qualified for home care or hospice, depending on what you did before. If nothing else, find an agency supplying staff for LTCFs - they are definitely less than the cushiest jobs ever but these are jobs, and agencies pay more than typical LTC.

I have a Bachelors in Nursing. I feel inadequate and feel I need a refresher course since I have not done floor nursing since 2013. Recently I was giving methadone on weekends at a clinic.

Specializes in ICU, LTACH, Internal Medicine.
I have a Bachelors in Nursing. I feel inadequate and feel I need a refresher course since I have not done floor nursing since 2013. Recently I was giving methadone on weekends at a clinic.

Before you blow off $$$ you don't actually have, get a used textbook on med/surg nursing and read it. You'll be surprised of what you remember :)

Because you do not have recent acute care experience, hospitals maybe very reluctant to consider you for employment. If you want to return to acute care, your best bet would be acute/subacute rehab, preferably in the unit "internalized" in a hospital so that you might be internally transferred with time. Or you might try to explore specialty like office nursing or outpatient HD. If you would like to refresh your skills in would care/vent care/TPN/tubefeeding, seek private duty case to work as your PRN or part time job.

If you go agency, be honest with your own assessment of your skills. Nurses like you frequently offered LTACH positions/coverage; keep in mind that you may feel just fine in "rehab" LTAC but shouldn't even try "acute" units, as patients in these units are commonly much sicker than ones on typical med/surg floor.

Most importantly, start low and go as you progress. You are there to provide good care for your patients and be in peace with yourself, not for beating anyone as "supernurse". Best of luck to you!

There will always be jobs available. Boston can be tough with no experience, but if you are willing to travel, look to the outer more suburban areas and states, those hospitals will pick you up.

Very helpful. Thanks for your time. I think I may go the Long Term care route.

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