Struggling with prac assessment - question.

Nursing Students General Students


I am required to complete an assessment for no lift procedures. It is a requirement to pass the unit; I have been assessed 3 times already + will need to be reassessed

I am required to complete an assessment for no lift procedures. It is a requirement to pass the unit; I have been assessed 3 times already + will need to be reassessed for the 4th time this Tuesday.

I have read the no lift manual, watched the corresponding video however I missed the first week of labs d/t being in hospital, which was the no lift labs.

Unfortunately, I learn things best by being in the labs that way I can have procedures etc explained to me. The video helps to some extent, but for the most part, I feel like missing the lab has affected my ability to pass the assessment.

That being said, I wanted to ask what you would do in this situation. Would you tell your lecturer/instructor the situation or just persevere and do your best to pass?

At the moment I'm hesitant about emailing my lecturer because it's going to come across as me whining and making excuses, which I really don't want to do. :uhoh3:

I would contact the lecturer/instructor and inform them that you missed in lab due to illness/hospitalization. Schedule a make-up lab so that you can obtain the necessary information/demonstration to meet your requirements.

I do not know what the policy of your program is concerning lab absences, but typically they are to be made up. If not it is generally expected that the student contact the lab instructor to discuss how to best obtain the knowledge and skills that were missed. Contacting the instructor indicates interest on the part of the student, no attempt to contact is often perceived as disinterest, even if this is not the case.

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