strictly business/non-caring LPN

Nurses General Nursing


new here 38yr old male looking into the LPN schooling because there are no jobs in my area,I currently work 3rd shift as a youth development aide at a so called treatment center,it's really just a place for criminals 16-20 to hang out and lift weights and beat up staff--where I get mandated for 16hr shifts all the time because people are abusing the system calling off sick or faking injuries,they keep hiring skinny little boys and girls fresh out of college to deal with muscle bound gangbangers from Philly

I was a combat medic in the army national guards a few yrs ago and now I'm looking into LPN as a career but I know how I am with people--I just want to get the job done and whiny little fakers just piss me off and I have no sympathy or time for that crap

so I guess my question is- can I get away with just being me, passing meds, giving treatments and doing the paperwork etc etc without kissing any ass and pretending to feel sorry for those that just seek attention

I'm not a complete prick all the time I can tell the difference from somone in need of care and somone who is just being a baby

I have children and I've been hurt plenty of times myself

guess I really just want a job where I can pass meds and do paperwork and not much else-somebody else can do the hiny powdering:D

Specializes in ER, critical care.
I think you would be best suited for a position in the OR. It is alot of "business", getting things done, very limited pt contact, and even at that, they dont need much from you, in terms of "emotional" stuff....

Right, in the OR it wouldn't be the patients driving you nuts. Worse, it is the prima donna surgeons (in my experience anyway). And THAT is a problem that will NEVER be solved in your favor.

I will take the whiney patients over the arrogant prima donna surgeons any day, any time.

Specializes in ER, critical care.
I'm assuming you don't call the slow-counting-the-change grocery clerk an IDIOT to his face.

You mean you have never offered just to give someone that 50 cents so they will quit looking for the coupon or just said, "Look just keep the 37 cents, I have to go." ???

To the OP, I agree. RN, whether it be ADN or BSN seems more easily marketable these days.

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