Stony Brook ABSN summer 2011


Hi Guys,

Am really new to this thread, trying to navigate through how to join. Anyway, I want to find out if anyone knows about Quinnipiac university in CT. Got an acceptance letter 2wks ago, but not sure if i should go ahead and mail in the requested $250 deposit. As my first choice is stony brook, and considering also that Quinnipiac is a private and expensive university. Can anyone advice me on what to do regarding the deposit to keep a space, more so the check should be post marked not later than Jan 10, and by then am not sure we would have received anything yet from SBU.

Also, each time I log onto my solar, and I click on view application status, it kept showing "please submit any documents below that are not listed as having been received". But all document have been submitted, so is anyone having similar thing showing up.



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