Stna scheduling/working question


I just registered for my nursing pre-req and know that I can easily handle work and school with those I will only be going part time at first because I have been in school before and some classes will transfer. I actually have a couple questions first of all, in general if you are working as a nurses aid (in ohio we call them State trained nurses assistance not sure if thats what they are always called) but do the employers normally work with your schedule? Like when I start actual nursings clinicals I would't be able to work full time so would they work with me? Also, is nurses aid work really that bad. I currently am an assistant mgr. at mcdonalds and want to work as an stna to give me some experience in the medical field before I start clinicals..but everyone I talk to gives me discouraging comments about how being a nurses aid is "crap work"...if I don't like being an stna does that neccessarly mean I'll dislike being an RN? Lastly, anyone else out there work while being in clinicals? Everyone I talk to goes "oh no way you can have a job when you do nursing school it's impossible" but I can't afford not to have a job unless I borrow a ton of money to cover my bills while im in school and im not comfortable with that. Now Im not new to school i actually was pursing a different degree for 3 years and worked full time every second of that even though my family said it was "impossible" I got promoted at work twice during that and kept an A/B average so I know what it's like to work hard and get your priorites straight but nursing school is unlike anything ive tried in the past and im afraid I might not be able to do it. the last thing I want to do is start then have to drop out cause I can't handle both....

Lots of questions there sorry thanks for taking the time to read :)

I didn't work as an aide first, but know I probably couldn't have handled it. I have no trouble doing full pt care as part of my RN role, but do not know if I could do it for a floor full of pts all day every day. So that doesn't mean you won't like RN work. Have you shadowed any nurses? great idea!

I worked two jobs during school...I was crazy busy but it was totally doable.

good luck.

and as for managers working on your shifts schedule with you, depends on the manager and the job.

thank you! i've been trying to get ahold of hospitals in my area to shadow but so far no one has gotten back with me :( Thank you for the reply though :)

Specializes in ICU.

You may have better luck with flexiblity in scheduling with LTC. Working in a nursing home will still give you plenty of experience, believe me. And you absolutely will have time for work and school -- it is all about time management and prioritization. As far as aide work being "crap" -- you will deal with crap, but the work itself isn't bad. Many find aide work to be fulfilling and rewarding. I've worked LTC for a couple years now and have never had problems working around my school schedule. One of my facilities even lets me take semester breaks off at a time, I only work summer and Christmas breaks.

The work is physically draining. I liked being an aide, but I injured my knee in a non-work environment and I really can't do this kind of work at the moment. I can barely walk, let alone help someone else. I tried working while doing my nursing pre-requisites and it was ok. I guess it depends on how much you work.

Good luck!

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