Stethoscope help for 2nd career nursing student


Specializes in None-but am hoping to do ped. oncology.

HI Everyone,

I am a newbie here! I've been looking at posts and didn't quite find the answers to all my questions so if you can bare with me that would be GREAT! I'm changing careers at 32 after already getting a Master's, I'm SO nervous, but know it is exactly what I want to do. So here is the deal:

I am pretty sure I want to do go into Pediatric Oncology, but I know through nursing school we will be doing all different populations. I am trying to choose the best stethoscope and my brothers wife (a PA) told me to get one that is double sided (for the peds). I have seen that the Littman Classic II SE seems to be a very popular one, but it does say it is single sided. What about the fact of single vs. double tube?

My mom and dad will probably buy this for me for Christmas and they really don't have a lot of money so I will chip in whatever they can't do, so the cardiology one probably is out of the question now.

Is there anything else I need to be thinking about? I do have small ears, but have been doing bp's for quite a few years now and can always hear them, so at least I have experience. I'd really love any input you all could give me. And lastly a little other tidbit, I went to uniform try on tonight and saw they were selling little clip things to hang the stethoscope on your pants/shirt pocket-are these worth it and do they work? I do get a super tight neck and wicked bad headaches, but I don't want to look like a dork either!!!

Thank you all so much!


Specializes in Critical Care, ED.

I am also a non trad student and personally have a Littmann Classic II SE. It's a two sided stethoscope with a bell and a diaphragm. I think that it should be more than adequate for what I need it for, but I think you would be better served if you got one of the master series ones or a cardiology one since there are times when I think the better sound would be nice. I got mine at It was the cheapest I could find and had free engraving (good for those scopes that sprout legs and walk away)

I had one of those clip thingies and personally didn't really care for it....However a couple of my classmates rave about em so to each their own....they're relatively cheap so I'm sure you could pawn it off on one of your classmates if you don't like it

Specializes in Psychiatric.

I used a Classic II SE for first semester and now that we are going into OB and Peds I bought my own Littman Cardiology III. It is double sided for peds but the peds side can also be changed ito the bell when needed. I bought it a week ago for about $100. off ebay NIB so search and you may get lucky.

Specializes in Emergency, Critical Care (CEN, CCRN).

Classic II SE was a very popular choice among my classmates. I had a Master Classic II that got me through school, which is still one of my favorites. (I never had a problem with the single-sided chestpiece, personally, but some students didn't care for it when they tried mine. Then too, we weren't allowed to use our own stethoscopes on L&D due to the unit's infection control policy, so I don't know if I might have run into trouble trying to use the adult-sized chestpiece on a neonate.) My current scope is a Cardiology III that I received as a graduation present.

As for the belt clips, that's another "your mileage may vary" item. I have one and rather liked it in school, but I'm not so fond of it as a staff nurse. We usually have a Spectralink phone, a pager and any amount of other junk hanging off our waistbands already, so adding a stethoscope is just a pain. (Heaven help you trying to get in and out of the bathroom with all that stuff in one piece! :eek:)

I started school with the Classic 2 sided Littman. I upgraded to the master cardiology this year and love it although I don't know if it really is any better for what I need it for. (it was a plus that it was on sale for $150 too) There is an attachment to be able to use it for peds. I know that I would not have liked the single side when I was learning.

Personally I think the double lumen is important in whatever you choose because you here less outside noise and clearer heart/lung/bs

I wouldn't worry too much about finding a scope that fits the specialty you think you want to work in, you might change your mind. Good Luck!

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