steps to present the NCLEX


i am a lebanese citizen, third year student nurse, i take my degree in a year, and i was wondering what are the steps for me to take this exam? i was told that i would have to go through the CGFNS first than present the NCLEX? but i am a bit lost so i would appreciate the help, thank you!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Where are you doing your training now?

In lebanon several hospitals not one particular... plus i am french educated so... i think its gonna be a bit complicated no? :s

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the International forum

A lot will depend on the state you apply to to be a registered nurse and what their requirements are for International trained nurse. Suggest a read in this forum especially on retrogression and the several years wait for a immigrant visa

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