Stay in MICU or move to L&D?


Specializes in MICU.

Hey all,

I've been working as a MICU RN for a little over a year and a half now. I hated the first year, and have mildly liked my job more in the second year. While I still don't love it, I know I'm constantly learning SO MUCH in this large teaching hospital MICU. I feel like I haven't taken advantage of all the learning opportunities that come with it, such as taking extra classes, taking the CCRN, etc. And I still feel I have not mastered it and have a lot left to learn.

A few months ago, at a time when I was feeling particularly burnt out, I applied for a Labor and Delivery position at a different teaching hospital nearby. They practically offered me a job on the spot, pending my references. I know I would be happy on this unit, and would, as it happens, make quite a bit more money, but I'm wondering if I should put off such a switch until I've been at my current job for a full three years or so?

What do you guys think? What is a suitable amount of time to work in an ICU before moving on to such a different, specialized unit?

Staying for 3 years in ICU will not make you a better L&D nurse! Working on L&D makes you a good L&D nurse! Your ICU experience will not go to waste, it can be very helpful! Especially when it comes to time management, prioritizing , and working well under pressure! L&D can be a very stressful environment, things can change quickly and you have to think fast just like in MICU! I think you will do great in L&D, because of your experience in MICU! Good luck!

Specializes in MICU.

Thanks so much for your advise, Mesmerize! I accepted the job offer, and am going to be starting in Labor and Delivery some time in May or June!

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