Starting nursing school in the Spring. REALLY nervous. TIPS??

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THe school I am going to has very high expectations, as they have had a 100% NCLEX pass rate for many years. I know several people personally who have failed out, and who have told me that the school weeds out those who they dont think will keep their 100% NCLEX rate.

Ive been a CNA for years, and I AM an A average student (but the A's don't come easy, I bust my butt for them). I DID feel like I would be OK in nursing school, but everything I hear from others about this program is scaring me and making me sooooo nervous!!! Ive also heard the instructors are not very nice, and again form multiple people (and current nursing students) that the clinical instructor has made girls cry at the hospitals many times in front of staff, families, etc. I even read this on ratemyprofessor.

Does anyone have any tips on how to get off to a good start, and on a good side of the teachers?? I am so nervous already.

I'm ending my first semester of Nursing Program and I will tell you, it's ok to be nervous/scared but don't let those nerves throw you out of the game. Some of that anxiety is good because it will keep you focused and ready to learn, just learn to check it and how to pull back n relax when you need to. As far as the instructors being rough. I had one of the roughest and at this point I am so thankful for it. She's not mean at all she is passionate about what she does. She wants to make us the best nurses we can be and sometimes that process looks pretty ugly but being on the other side now I thank her. Hang in there and relax, learn and always always always ask questions if you don't know and trust your gut.

I am sitting in the same exact boat as you! I will be starting in January and the NCLEX passing rate at my school was also 100%. Less than 50% make it through the whole program, it is a tough school and the teachers are even tougher (at least this is what I heard). I am super nervous too. We have our orientation day tomorrow, so I will find out more about the program. Nursing school is no joke and I know if we put in the work we will be rewarded. Just don't take anything for granted and stay on track :)

Good luck!

Thanks everyone feeling better already. I also didn't mention I got off to a bad start to begin with concerning a minor misdemeanor from 5 years ago. Lost my spot but fought back hard for it to make a long story short!!!

I'm just going to do my best. Work my butt off. Wear no make up, iron my scrubs, and hopefully I can get off to a better start when the teachers see my good work ethic...

You're worrying a lot. That's normal, I was a wreck before classes began (I'm about done with my first semester). The biggest tips I have are these:

1. Read, read, read. The first few weeks, my school had a ridiculous amount of reading. Maybe 15-25 chapters a week. It does slow down a bit, but it's a lot and if you fall behind you're screwed. So make sure to read whatever is assigned.

2. When you're reading a chapter and you come across a new term or concept, try to figure out how it would apply in real life. That's part of that critical thinking thing they want you to do so badly.

3. Do not fear your teachers. I was terrified of mine in the beginning because they came off very stern and no-nonsense. But after going to their office hours a couple times, they're actually really nice (mostly) and even the stern ones will help you with questions. Treat them with respect and that'll go a long way.

4. If there are study groups, go to them. They can actually help...and you can make friends that way too (I'm not good with that, and it helped me)!

5. If you get really good grades, don't brag.

6. If you're feeling overwhelmed don't act rashly by dropping (unless your grades aren't making it). Go to a school counselor, talk to friends. If you feel like you might need pharmacological help, go see your doctor or NP. (Over half my class is on some form of anti-anxiety or depression meds. I'm one of 'em, it really does help).

7. DON'T PANIC! :)

8. Expect to have nights where you get little to no sleep. Especially between chart study and clinicals. It sucks, but coffee is your friend.

9. Even though you're really busy, make some time each week for yourself. Take a long bath, watch a movie, go out to dinner with friends or family or spouse/SO, take a walk, yoga......something that will take your mind off nursing for a couple hours. It helps with the stress.

10. Most importantly, HANG IN THERE! It's a wild ride, especially the first few weeks when you're scrambling to get adjusted to everything. I broke down a couple times. But you adjust to it and go forward. It really is interesting and at times, even really full of fun and laughter. Good luck to you, and congratulations!

P.S. Regarding tattoos, I have several though they aren't visible except for the back of my neck, so my hair covers it. School policies very, but they'll inform you about dress code at orientation. I know at mine, no visible tattoos/piercings (except for ears). But we are allowed to wear long sleeves under our clinical uniform, so it shouldn't be too different for you, I'm guessing!

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