starting mobility in January


:bluecry1:Starting LPN to RN mobility in January. Is the Mobility semester really as hard as everyone says it is? What can I expect this semester? Thanks...

Specializes in Family Nurse Practitioner.

Congratulations! My bridge class was a piece of cake. It was a bit frustrating trying to figure out exactly how they wanted things presented for the care plans etc. but I had all the knowledge needed. Hang in there, you will be so thrilled when you are a RN.

Specializes in home health, LTC, assisted living.
:bluecry1:Starting LPN to RN mobility in January. Is the Mobility semester really as hard as everyone says it is? What can I expect this semester? Thanks...

Me too! How many credits are you taking? I have 11. I have heard from students it is hard work. :nurse:

Specializes in home health, LTC, assisted living.

Oh and forgot to say CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:yeah::yeah:

well, i'm lucky. i got all of my basics out of the way so all i have to take is the 1 mobility class, one day a week all day. we are going to do 10 weeks of class then the remainder of the semester will be clinicals. i don't know why they chose to do it that way but it suits me!!!congrats to you to!!

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