Published Mar 1, 2011
205 Posts
I know I will be moving most likely within the next 6-12 months (maybe even sooner)....has anyone started an LVN program in one state and finished up in another at a different school?
I guess I should just "hold my horses" and wait until I move to the other state before starting a LVN program. I'm planning on trying to get into an RN program but depending on the wait times, etc. I want to not rule out the LVN route.
KimberlyRN89, BSN, RN
1,641 Posts
It's really rare to see nursing credits transfer. I've known a couple of people who transferred schools while in the middle of a nursing program, and they had to start all over. My advice to you would contact some nursing schools in the state you are moving to, to see what their policies are. Also, in my opinion, I would just wait until you move and complete the nursing program there. Good luck!