Published Sep 11, 2016
201 Posts
Hi everyone,
I just currently start in another nursing job: rehab./therapy. I am new to this kind of department and I am afraid about the possibilities of injuring myself because I feel I am too physically weak? I also do not know proper lifting techniques (how to lift, carry, turn pts, etc) so this adds to this situation. Unfortunately, I am short and small body frame too.
May I please ask for advice on how to learn how to properly and safely be a rehab/therapy nurse when I am physically disadvantaged?
Thank you so much!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
It's good that you aren't buying into the nurses have superpowers myth.... the colossal bunkum that "good body mechanics" can overcome everything - and the corollary "if you hurt your back, it's because you didn't use good body mechanics".... Pure nonsense.
I know how grateful you may be for that new job, but if your employer does not provide mechanical lifting devices, it's not a good place to work. There is NO SAFE METHOD of lifting an adult patient without a mechanical device. Find those devices & ask for training. Your employer is required to provide devices & training.... OSHA rules. If they don't have any lifting devices, DO NOT attempt any lifts without adequate assistance...... while you're looking for another job.