Published Jun 5, 2006
1,007 Posts
Well, the day has finally come for me to start Chem 1. This is my second try with this class - dropped halfway through last fall because it was over my head. This spring I took principles of chem which gave me a much better foundation. So, here I am trying this again. The teacher I have is supposed to be completely crazy - randomly starts pounding his chest or heat - but apparantly almost everybody gets As, even though most people flunk his tests. Last semester he had a bunch of chess players in the class and they made a bet with him - if they won the whol class got As, don't know what happened if he wone. Anyway, they won and everybody got an A. I'll learn to play chess if it will get me an A in here! I also have my practical nursing classes 2 nights a week. Was supposed to be in those 4 nights a week but I'm way ahead so my teacher let me take 2 nights a week off with no attendance penalty. That gives me a little more time to study.
2 Posts
i hope that everything goes well with your chemistry class. hang in there! the teacher doesn't seem too bad!!
54 Posts
Good luck to you. I just started Anatomy today and I am definately worried about the shortened summer course. Alot is crammed in to less than two months.