starting accelerated BSN in August


Hi people, is anyone going to be in the Accelerated BSN program at Duke this fall?? I'm going to be in the program and just moved to the area and just checking to see if anyone is going to be in the same program with me. I was also wondering if anyone in the durham area knows any good and affordable daycares for a 2 1/2 yr old potty trained and all.

Hi people, is anyone going to be in the accelerated BSN program at Duke this fall?? I'm going to be in the program and just moved to the area and just checking to see if anyone is going to be in the same program with me. I was also wondering if anyone in the durham area knows any good and affordable daycares for a 2 1/2 yr old potty trained and all.

Hello, I am also going to be attending Duke in the fall. I currently live in Greensboro and will be moving to the Chapel Hill area in August. Unfortunately I can't help you with daycares because I am not familiar with the Durham area. Do you know if they are going to send out a list of the books we need prior to orientation? I've read on these forums about students buying books, supplies, scrubs, ect. well in advance to class starting, but I don't know where to start with all of it!

hey Miranda 1200, i have no idea if they wiull do that but they should be able to do that.but i know we shoud get parking info and the like so they shouldnt have any reason not to give us the list of books.i'm glad u came to the forum at leats i'll know one person on the first day of school :) are u done witgh all your stuff yet..immunizations cpr and all that??

Hey Miniem67,

I have all of my immunizations, cpr/first aid, ect. I guess they will talk about the supplies we need during orientation. The excitement of getting into the program is starting to decline and I am now getting nervous!

What is your degree in? I have a BS in exercise and sports science. I'll be glad to know someone else on the first day too.

Hi there,

I am in the Duke program right now and I thought I could help...I have a 2 month old son and just got him into daycare with the help of a great Duke website: I got him into the Children's Campus (look especially at the child care partnership on this site, it's got lots of good places in a variety of locations around Durham/CH).

As far as books, scrubs, supplies...I didn't have a damn thing before orientation and I did fine. I don't know exactly what info they'll give you at orientation, but I imagine it'll be booklists, lists of supplies to get, and where to find scrubs. A great scrubs place around here is called Uniform House on North Duke Street as well as Uniform Junction on Garrett Road. And of course there are TONS of online sellers. The thing they told us was that we had to wear tops and bottoms that match and white shoes (I wear nearly all-white Nikes with pink swooshes and stripes). We wear patterned tops with matching bottoms, too. I don't know if they will change the regulations for you guys, though, so I wouldn't buy anything until they tell you what the dress code is in orientation. If there's anything else I can help you with, definitely email me! Hope I've helped!

hey Miranda 1200, i have no idea if they wiull do that but they should be able to do that.but i know we shoud get parking info and the like so they shouldnt have any reason not to give us the list of books.i'm glad u came to the forum at leats i'll know one person on the first day of school :) are u done witgh all your stuff yet..immunizations cpr and all that??

Hey there again,

I am so sorry I haven't gotten back to you - things are crazy right now! I lost your email and can't remember your questions, so email me or write here again with your questions. Sorry!


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