Published May 15, 2012
144 Posts
So I did it, after getting letter after letter, semester after semester, stating that I didn't get in I finally got called and offered a spot in the summer program. There are only 16 in our class because it's summer and the first semester is 7 weeks so we're jumping right in!!! My first exam is MONDAY! I had class yesterday from 8am-8pm with a 1 1/2 hour break but it went by pretty quick, we covered a lot of stuff. I'm excited and READY!!! We have so much cool equipment in the, carts with laptops, medical record program, simulation rooms with mannequins that have vitals, heart/lung sounds, and you can run IV's stuff. I start hospital clinical's next week...I've been waiting for this for what seems like forever, watched everyone else get in time after time, and cries all day each time I got another denial letter...but I'm READY!!!
62 Posts
yay! thats so exciting! I can't wait till this fall when I start!
373 Posts
That's awesome!! Keep updating on how it goes! And what you're learning! It gives us "waiters" some excitement & anticipation! :-)
What have you guys already covered? I can't believe you will already have a test! But then again, it's nursing school. I love learning and just jumping right in! Good luck!!
201 Posts
Congrats!!! I'm glad your waiting and hard work paid off! I can't wait til I begin in the fall. I'm definitely going to enjoy my summer but am excited. Good luck!!
69 Posts
Woot; congratulations!!
Post here from time to time about your journey please. Its fun to see your excitement about the equipment etc., I get that 100 percent ;o)!
28 Posts
Congratulations on starting nursing school! So excited for you!
KimberlyRN89, BSN, RN
1,641 Posts
Aww congrats! I was in your shoes too in 2010. I kept getting rejection letter after rejection letter..til I finally got in to a program! It's a great feeling :) Good luck, you'll do great!
We're starting off with some basics about caring, and what it means to be a "caring" nurse, a little bit of theory, hand hygeine, range of motion exercises, positioning patients ect...In the lab we're working on patient assessment, vitals, ect. First CPE is 2 weeks from today, we work with a lab partner and one of you plays the patient while your classmate does a full assessment. I'm not really thrilled about this part though, I'm not very comfortable with my partner checking me over from head to toe!!! One thing in particular I'm really kind of stressed about is having my partner and professor look in my mouth, unfortunately my teeth are in terrible condition, I mean TERRIBLE!!! I have several cavities, missing teeth, and even a broken tooth in the front. It is extremely embarrassing!!! :uhoh21: I am in the process of getting everything taken care of (my last dentist wanted to pull all of my teeth but i'm only 32 and no way am i getting dentures) Luckily I found a new dentist to fix everything but in the mean time my mouth is a disaster and I'm really stressed about them looking in there. Do you guys think it's okay for me to tell my professor how I feel, or do I just have to deal with it? It might sound like a dumb question, but i'm freaking out over it