Published Feb 17, 2016
1 Post
Hi everyone! This is my first time posting here on all nurses, I have been a "lurker" all through out nursing school and when I was preparing for the nclex. I am now a newly licensed RN that has been applying all over the place. Today I received a call from Mercy Hospital for the StaRN program and I do not think it went so well because I was not prepared to be asked preliminary interview questions I was told at the end that I would be given a call by the end of the week if they would like to schedule an interview. Usually they would schedule an interview right away if they were interested? Well anyway I also applied for the same program at Westside Regional, I should be more prepared if they call me for that hopefully. Has anyone done the program at Mercy or Westside? Or just work at those hospitals? How is it to work there? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
5 Posts
Hi there, I too have been a "lurker" lol and am now posting. I guess I didnt have any info not already said to mention before. Anyways... I am posting because yes I have worked at Mercy hospital but as a CNA. I am now a new grad RN from Miami Dade college. However I have my ASN/ADN not BSN. I do have a BA in marketing/communications but of course this doesnt seem to matter in nursing world. I can tell you I had a good experience at Mercy for the most part.... but not all floors are the same. I only floated a few times but one of the telemetry floors was an awful experience for me: patient overload, one of my nurses was MIA, and the charge nurse was completely condescending. But my floor was not like that and there was lots of teamwork involvement, encouragement, etc. PRobably doesnt help you much but theres really no black and white answer here.
NOW the other reason why Im posting... Mecy StarN program for April 2016 says BSN is a requirement and therefore told me I lack the credentials in an automated email. When I called the HR guy said "well because its a magnet status fulfillment". Since then I have done some research on this holy magnet recognition status everyone is so uppity about. In this research I found that you do NOT have to have BSN to be floor nurse. check out link about ANCC magnet status facts.
Anyways I also found 2 other HCA owned hospitals in FL with StarN NOT requiring a BSN.....
first one in westside regional of plantation and second hospital in kissimmee. I dont have the links but it would be easy to google StarN program with city and find it if youd like to verify the words im saying.
So how does this play out? any expert nurses out there that can help solve this conundrum? Frankly its upsetting considering I put a year of working into this hospital already,and left on good terms. I was able to speak to my director and she said shed see what she can do on her end but being a new grad its like completely different ballgame getting hired versus once you're experienced.
Did you enroll in the program?
yes I did Sanya09. I enrolled in StaRN with Aventura hospital and finished. I'm on fulltime now with Aventura. however, I wouldn't recommend staRN for anyone unless there wasn't many better options out there.
304 Posts
Recommended or not - it seems to have almost vanished. Only Mercy hospital still has staRN at this point. It seems to have temporarily vanished from all the other south florida hospitals. Which is.. weird?
34 Posts
Please anyone has any new information about this program?
Or any new information of ANYWHERE in S. FL hiring new grads?
7 Posts
Hi, please does anyone have any new information on the StaRN program? are there any pros and cons you want to share with us?
I have an upcoming interview for StaRN at Aventura later this week.. Any recommendations or further information you'd be willing to share? I have been on the job search for a while and this is beginning to look like the best most possible option. Why wouldn't you recommend it?
10 Posts
Hi! Did you get the job?